Life expectancy the year I was born was about 72. Iapos;m currently half that age, which means that until recently I would have been described as "middle aged." So it should come as no surprise to anyone that Iapos;ve got a few grey hairs. More on my right side than my left, for some reason. Since Iapos;ve been growing my hair out they tend to be a little less noticeable as the greater volume tends to hide them, unless they for some reason sort their way up to the top, where they stand out very prominently against all the brown.
Well, tonight while I was getting ready for bed, I came across one such hair. It fell out (after a good sharp yank with a pair of tweezers) and I glanced at it before discarding it, and noticed something strange. It wasnapos;t grey. It was striped.
Seriously. Striped. Grey for a while, then brown for a bit, then grey for a while more, and so on, for the entire length of the hair. Itapos;s as if the follicle can produce color for a few days, and then the color shuts off for a week or two, but then it can produce color again.
Curious, I went on a dig through the mop on top of my head, finding several other grey hairs to investigate (more on the right than on the left). Many, though not all, of them exhibited the same features.
Does anyone know if thatapos;s normal as a hair transitions from youthful color to grey? Or am I going to end up with a head of striped hair? I must admit, the latter would be kind of cool...
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